Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Sunday, May 3, 2015

conversation with a 32 month old

All snuggled up on the deck in the cool night air to help with is croup (I hate croup) he started talking. I didn't say much, just the occasional words of agreement.

"Maybe Sarah will come over soon. Maybe today. Maybe we can go to a store with her. Maybe we can go to the dinosaur museum with her. We can see the mastodon. We can see his toes. We did go see a hawk. We did see an eagle. The eagle was loud. The turkey vulture was having a snack. There's the moon. Goodnight moon. Good night room. Goodnight cow jumping over the moon...." and then he launched into the extended version of "Frere Jacques".

My baby is an 80's superstar

Sunday, February 22, 2015


I found Ezra licking his Busy Town book the other day.
Me: What are you doing?
Ezra (heartbroken and sighing): This watermelon is pretend.

makes sense

Ezra calls furniture "furnichair" and it pretty much kills me.

Friday, January 23, 2015

yummy, yucky

Ezra's addition to the book Yummy, Yucky:
"Leaves in a bowl are yummy. Leaves in the grass are yucky."

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Stevie Wonder makes Ezra think of roosters. Every time we hear a Stevie Wonder song he asks to see a rooster.

I have no idea.

Weight lifting

"Carry me, lazy bones. What? Are your legs broken?" Ezra


Monday, December 1, 2014

Where's that baby?

He used to just put his hands over his eyes...

Conversation with a 28 month old

Me to Ezra: "You have to hold somebody's hand when you cross the road."
Ezra to me: "Holding Ezra's hand!"