Friday, January 2, 2009


it's that time of year, here are my new years resolutions:

to always walk or ride my bike to the studio no matter how lazy I am feeling. (unless it's raining really hard or I am hauling lumber or something, but snow is no excuse.)
image here.

to learn to crochet and how to sew.
image here.

to make a drawing a week. (I want to say a drawing a day, but I am trying to be realistic.)
image here.

to finish projects before starting new ones (anyone remember Jackson's sweater? it's still one sleeve short!) and finish the handmade gifts I make in time for the birthday or holiday they are meant for.

to wear or give away (or turn into stuffed animals) every article of clothing I own. (except my wedding dress, of course.)

we'll see how it goes!  


Anonymous said...

A Happy New Year!

abigail said...

you too!

Steven said...

Mine is to keep my desk-top clean and to be a positive person. The latter is way more difficult.

Anonymous said...

love the way you see and capture things...but don't ride in the snow!!

Anonymous said...

sorry about "annonymous" it's just me ... uncle steve trying to sort through this communications interface... and you capture beautiful images....luv you gus

Steven said...

Speaking of interesting images I cam across this stuff. Totally unrelated but god work.