I've been whining about it for weeks but have been too lazy to do anything about it, so imagine my surprise when I opened my drawer this morning to get out a mismatched pair and discovered a whole bunch of brand new socks!
Steven is the best (and sneakiest) husband ever.
It's those "small" things that can make a day (or week:). Alas, the cat here cannot fathom my sock-whining sob story. Sporting permanent white thigh-high boots, she simply cannot relate. Must find sneaky man. But I just tossed one out (nicely).
Cheers & a good Sunday up in Michigan.
Ha! I hate when I cannot find matching socks!
maaawwww. nothing is better than new socks from the sir. ok, a few things, but i hold them on a high pedestal :)
Aww this is soooo sweet! I love new socks. I had a room mate once who refused to wear matching socks. Not sure why. My bf swears we have a monster who likes to nibble on our socks and leave holes!
Aw that's sweet! I do agree- I swear the dryer or a sock monster eats socks! I lost 1 sock from 3 different pairs in my last 2 loads lol
aaaw sweet!
i hate mismatched socks, where do they go?
aw! thats so nice. :) i love the feeling of slipping on some new socks! especially patterned or christmas ones! :)
thanks for visiting my blog! i like your blog's coziness. :)
Sounds like a keeper :) T.
UGH! Whats the deal with socks, anyway? Same thing happens to me. And somehow it happens with our Spoons, too. Life is weird.
Your husband is sneaky. And thoughtful. :)
I think the sock monster is near me too! I have sooo many odd socks lol
have you seen that hanes sock commercial about the dad dipping his sons feet into paste to make better fitting socks?
well. its hilarious.
Hooray! I love little treats like this. And hope you catch the sock monster. =)
that is seriously cute.
Only your true love can save you from the Sock Monster.
So so sweet! This made me smile and then tell my husband that I seem to be missing shoes. He did not take the bait.
so incredibly thoughtful!
You DO have an amazing husband! I hope you find out where your socks keep going.
OH my god seriously? Major brownie points Steven. Major!!
I know! It's ridiculous how thoughtful it was. I married one hell of a good egg. :)
New socks are THE BEST. Lucky girl!
Aw that's sweet!
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