Wednesday, July 21, 2010

very productive

Even though it was a "school night", we had a lot of fun last night.  Lisa from Pot and Box and Andrew from Detroit Unreal Estate Agency came over.  We had a couple glasses of wine, ate some food, decided that the paint color I'd picked for the guest room looked horrible in artificial light and therefore must go, bought an axe (long story), and made some nocino!  And all while having a delightful time.

Nocino is a walnut liquor that's made by infusing grain alcohol with the flavor of walnuts.  (similar to how Limoncello is grain alcohol infused with lemons.)

Steven and I first had it at the home of family friends of Stevens, the Natoli, when we went to visit them in Sicily.  It was so funny visiting them in this small town where the family has lived, well, forever.  We walked around town after lunch one day with them and not only did they know every single soul we saw on the street, they were related to half of them!

One night after the most delicious (and large) dinner they brought out some nocino because, "it is good for the digestion."  It's very strange, pitch black, and smells like perfume, but it tastes good- if you like really strong drinks after dinner drinks like grappa.

We made it a couple years ago and gave a bunch away for Christmas and we'll probably do the same again this year.  But for now I'm kind of worried about what the recycling guy is going to think when he sees the 6 bottles of Everclear in our recycling bin!  

Here's the recipe:
Mettere infusione in 1 litro di alcol a 95%
15 noci a pezzetti
5 chiodi di garofanoun per 40gg
fare uno sciroppo con 1/2 litro d'aqua e1/2kg di zucchero
lasciar bollire 5 minuti, far raffreddare, aggiungere all'alol, mescolae e filtrare.  lasciar maturare qualche mese. cosi viene buono ma forte.  se lo volete piu leggero, fate bolire piu acqua.  


Ana Degenaar said...

I love making pickles and preserves, and I'm crazy about jars grazie!

Tiffany Kadani said...

Walking around Sicily sounds so fun! I love that he was related to so many people. What an awesome memory.

Anonymous said...

ohmygod, this is a gem. thank you thank you thank you. my italian cousins make limoncello all the time, and i was tempted to; however, my mom would drink all of it before i could lay my hands on it (she has a nightly shot or two). so i was debating what to make that she'd never touch, and voila! and luckily i know italian and can translate that recipe :)

chiara said...

all i cay say is, that's the devil's drink!

Anonymous said...

thanks for not mentioning the knife-breaking!--tho in sicily it is just that which guarantees the magical powers of the brew. we shall soon see if it also works in south-eastern michigan...

Lalla said...

oh nocino! :) My father does it every year! He puts the bottles on my balcony so I have to shake them every single day (40 sunny days). I like how it taste and it really helps the digestion! :)
Nice to see a recipe in italian!

Cupcakes are fashion ! said...

Mmmmhhh I might try this !


SabinePsynopsis said...

I always wanted to make the famous walnut liquor. Now I just need to translate the instructions...

Bryce said...

I love that you left the recipe untranslated.