Ever wish you could reenact part of the movie "Up"?
Well, some folks at the National Geographic Channel did and with the help of a team of engineers and scientists they launched a 16' X 16' X 18' tall house into the air using 300, 8', multi colored weather balloons!
info here, National Geographic's
website here.
what!! i need to go see if it fell! or what they would do if it did!
I absolutely love that they did this! What fun it must have been to be part of this project! (Though in the end, I would have stayed on the ground.)
No way! This is so incredible!
Aww, I just watched UP over the weekend. LOVE that movie. I hate to say it, but it made me cry!
Love this.
This is awesome! I watched UP for the first time a few weeks ago, and I cried my eyes out. It wasn't at all what I expected - it was better!
AWESOME! So inspiring to think that it could actually happen. Thanks for sharing. x
It could only be better if Russell was waving from the front porch.
That sounds like an incredible and innovative way to recreate a memorable scene.
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