The lovely thing about the beginning of the growing season (which was awhile ago now) is that you get to fantasize about the things that are coming in, plan how you are going to cook them, and really savor them when they are finally ready. (These days it's more of a panicked- what the hell are we going to make with cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers and zucchini!!!- sort of thing.)
So back when the peas were flowering (they're finished now :( ) I started to look around for something to do with them. When they were ready I made what turned out to be just about yummiest meal ever, clams with peas in broth and garlic smashed potatoes to celebrate. (there is nothing like freshly picked peas. so delicious!)
Recipe adapted from Suzanne Goin (because she's a genius.) Oh, I'm labeling the things that were homegrown, just to show off.
For the clams:
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 chopped green onions (homegrown)
1 tablespoon thyme (homegrown)
2 pounds fresh clams
1/2 cup white wine
1 cup lobster broth (we use "Better Than Bullion" and it's great.)
2 cups peas (homegrown)
1/4 cup chopped parsley (homegrown)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons butter
For the potatoes:
3/4 pound of potatoes (homegrown)
1/2 cup chopped garlic scapes (homegrown)
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons cream
Boil the potatoes until tender and smash them with the back of a spoon and set aside while you make the clams.
Saute the green onions and thyme in the olive oil in a stock pot until the onions are wilted. Add the clams and cook for 1 minute. Add the white wine and stock cover the pan and steam the clams for 4 minutes (until the clams open). Add the peas and cook for another minute or so until the peas are cooked through. Add the butter and stir it in, then add the lemon juice.
To finish the potatoes, saute the garlic scapes in the butter. Add the smashed potatoes and stir until the potatoes are heated through. Then add the cream and a little salt and pepper, and stir until it all comes together in a nice creamy/ lumpy bunch.
To serve, put a lump of potatoes in a soup plate and ladle the broth on top, and serve.
yum, it looks delicious!! :)
For dinner we will have a omelette with some vegetables (Swiss chard, courgette, and new discovered purslane) from our garden!
Ciao from Switzerland
That looks like the perfect Sunday supper. My I'm hungry!
Looks AND sounds delicious!
This looks beyong yummy!!
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