Sunday, September 26, 2010

have a good weekend

After a hectic few days filled with openings and conferences we're going to spend the day at home planting bulbs, etc.  I don't think there are enough fallen leaves to do this yet, but here's hoping.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Land down under, land of giants.

sometimes, just sometimes, people are nice.

It's a bit unfair of me because I didn't see the show, but this review is pretty great.

I did see this wonderful show, and this review is really great!  

pet poop power?

spread the love.

tortoise and the hare.

this makes me want to get a fish and a bird. 

image here.


Gilding Lilies said...

What a sweet picture, I remember those days.

Jude said...

Aw, that lovely image also made me nostalgic :)