It wasn't fast, but it was super easy and I didn't have to buy anything to make it. If you want to make one of your own you will need:
-a ton of magazines and catalogs (gardening magazines work best (lots of green) so it helps to have a friend who has a flower shop who'll give you some.)
-a cardboard wreath form (you could just as easily cut your own ring out of an old box or something, but I had the wreath form already so I used it.)
-some glue
First you have to make a million leaves. Make a paper template of a leaf shape that you like, making sure to have a little stem at the bottom, and use all the green you can find in the magazine to start cutting.
Once you've cut a million leaves (I honestly have no idea how many, but it was a lot) it's time to glue them up. I am sure using a glue stick or even hot glue would have been faster, but I didn't have those things around so I just used regular old glue and it worked just fine.
Make groups of 3 with the middle one on top and set them aside.
Once you have a ton of them, it's time for the fun part, making the wreath!
When you get to the end, just lift up the first leaves and stick the last ones underneath.
And Voila! A lovely, recycled, recyclable, and absolutely free wreath!
OMG -> I love love love this idea! So cute. I'll have to make one!
I LOVE THIS!!! I made one from a phone book :)
This is awesome! You did such a good job!
This is such a genius idea!
You are amazing!!!!! I expect this to be all over the net and you'll be a household name. So cool!
LOVE this idea - it's so creative and looks amazing!
yay! what a great idea.
This is AMAZING! So creative. I wish I had the time and patience you do one of these....hmmmn could you make me another one??? Haha...just kidding.
This is absolutely incredible-wow! And I adore that it's recycled!
amazing! it looks flawless! what a great idea. XOXO
I have been loving all of the crafty wreaths I've been seeing around the blogs this holiday season. This one is particularly excellent!
i love this! how creative...and so pretty!
Wow! That's very clever, and very beautiful! Great work!
This is just brilliant! I've been thinking of a homemade wreath for a while and you just inspired me to try! A lovely sight for sore eyes on this too-long Monday - thank you!
You made this wreath? The whole thing? And cut out all those leaves? I'm really wildly impressed. It's adorable and I doubly love it was recycled.
Whoa Abigail! It turned out sooo beautiful. How creative you are! :) xo
Wow girl...I can't imagine how long that took, but it looks SO good!! so worth the effort??? :)
This must have taken forever! It looks amazing! I'm so impressed.
Are you serious?! That is awesome!!!!!!!!
o m g - jaw dropped to floor - how impressive abigail!!! it looks incredible:)
As everyone has said, this is definitely impressive and unique. What a great project!
This looks great, Abigail - what a great idea for a DIY wreath!
Fun! I want to do this too. Uh oh...way too many fun holiday things to fit into such a short season. But maybe this one will make it. Thanks!
Wow - I am so in love with this and your creativity! Well done my friend, well done.
wow that came out amazing! bravo! must've taken alot of patience...
How creative!! Love it!
This is incredible!
My jaw dropped when I saw this. It's beautiful. Well done!
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