Friday, August 29, 2008


for the second year running we have made the sicilian walnut liquor nocino with our neighbor's black walnuts.  It's super easy to make and tasty, but watch out, it can be evil.
One day I will figure out how to get a bottle to Chiara and Jon that won't break laws about shipping or flying with highly flammable liquids.  

we got the recipe from Steven's family's friends, the Natoli family, from Sicily. 

Mettere infusione in 1 litro di alcol a 95%
15 noci a pezzetti
5 chiodi di garofanoun per 40gg
fare uno sciroppo con 1/2 litro d'aqua e1/2kg di zucchero
lasciar bollire 5 minuti, far raffreddare, aggiungere all'alol, mescolae e filtrare.  lasciar maturare qualche mese. cosi viene buono ma forte.  se lo volete piu leggero, fate bolire piu acqua.  

1 comment:

chiara said...

oh my. that's the devil in a bottle right there, I tell you. stay away!