Sunday, December 7, 2008

harvest pizza

I saw this recipe for butternut squash, goat cheese and rosemary pizza and decided to try it out.  

Steven was skeptical because the recipe calls for brushing the pizza dough with maple syrup and I was skeptical because the recipe calls for a can of pizza dough (seriously, pizza dough comes in a can?) but we went for it anyway.  
We brushed the dough with olive oil and maple syrup (because Steven insisted that you always brush the dough with olive oil and he grew up in Italy so how can you argue?) and I made dough from scratch (because I still don't think pizza dough comes in a can), but other than that we followed the recipe and it was delicious.  
Steven said, "my god, it tastes like Italy."  I replied that they didn't really have butternut squash or maple syrup in Italy.  He said, "I know, I know, but it still just does."  
Try it, it really is so very, very good.  


Steven said...

Sooooo good. It's the rosemary/onion/sweetness combo that remind me of Liguria, the region around Genova. As a kid We would spend our summers in Zoagli where we would deight on eating focaccia with nutella.

abigail said...

how come we've never gone there on vacation?

Steven said...

vacation? What kind of pizza is that?

abigail said...

not funny.