Ollie was a little past due to get his summer hairdo, but we finally took him today!

He doesn't seem very happy about it, looks a little like a plucked chicken and has been hiding under the furniture since we brought him home.
I feel bad for the little guy, but he can probably see better now, and will be much cooler for the summer.

And at least he doesn't have an owner who'd do
this to him!
aww ollie looks so hilarious in the first pic!
oh my goodness, adorable :)
Oh my gosh, seriously Ollie is just so stinkin' cute (both with his summer cut and without!) And does this mean he is still enjoying hanging out on tables, or did you make him pose there for the photos?
steven stuck him up on the table, not sure why. Maybe he was having a hard time getting a good shot of his "bangs"!
Thank goodness Ollie hasn't figured out how to get on the table himself!
I think the haircut looks great, and it definitely must be cooler.
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