Friday, January 22, 2010

make new friends

This might be the most random thing I've ever posted, but I love this story too much not to share.
Photographer Norbert Rosing saw a polar bear approaching his sled dogs and was sure that bear was going to eat his dogs.

Turns out that bear was going to play with his dogs!
And he came back for more play dates every day for the rest of the week.

more adorable bear/puppy wrestling photos at cube me.
slide show here. (thanks Christina!)


Denise | Chez Danisse said...

Very sweet. I guess lonely polar bears need love too.

Caroline, No. said...

So cute. SQUEEE!

Lauren said...

Did you write this post just for me? Amazing. These kinds of things make my heart swell and my smile widen. Perfect.

Christina said...

Theres a video that goes along with that. It's a video of them actually playing. IDK what it's called though.

Jayni said...

How amazing! Thanks for sharing this with us. =)

Genavee said...

That is one of my favorite things on the internet. That and Christian the lion. If I ever watch both, I'm pretty much guaranteed to sob over the beauty and love of it all.

alissa said...

haha the dog looks a little frightened - but cute they became buddies!

web development said...

Animals are amazing in the way they can behave. I just watched this clip of a sea lion snuggling with ... a woman. It was amazing, just like this bear and dogs story.