I was so excited to try that braided puff pastry thing I posted
a link to the other day, that I decided to give it a go for a treat to bring to Amanda's going away party.

I made a filling of roasted butternut squash, red onions, pine nuts, sage, parsley and goat cheese and got to work.

It was super easy! just roll out a piece of puff pastry, cut off the corners at the top, little notches at the bottom and strips down the sides.

Fill, braid, brush it with a little bit of egg wash for color and bake!

It was so pretty and so tasty!
I also made
this cake, but neglected to take photos. It was amazing!
Of course this is the first thing I saw this morning...so now I want it for breakfast. Do you deliver to Austin?
xoxo, T
This is very cool and looks delicious! I'll have to try it. I just need to decide what to put inside...Nutella, perhaps? You can never go wrong with nutella, I think.
Wow- I am impressed! That looks just delicious :) I agree with Brandi- a sweet one would be good too...chocolate or nutella, yum!
Wow! This looks SO delicious and I want some for breakfast (because my oatmeal is looking extra sad after seeing this!) :)
This looks delicious. I am glad you tested this out for us. =)
Beautiful! Looks delicious, everyone at the party must have loved it! I'm adding this to my list of things to try when I'm having a brave baking moment.
Abigail! Wait WHAT?! Coming from someone who severly lacks in the kitchen, I cannot comprehend you making this slash you are TOTALLY my hero! Yours looks even better than the one you posted. Incredible. I'd like to be eat meals in your house please.
My jaw is still dropped. Great job!
I am so impressed! Those were one of the things on my list I wanted to do but knew I would never do it. But yours looks just like the original photo. I wish I was at that going away party.
Yours looks so pretty! I can just see myself making an epic mess trying to do that.
This looks soooo good. The cake looks great too.
Gorgeous and yummy I'm sure!
Good grief. That looks absolutely delicious.
Looks good :) I need to try making bread at some point.
Wow. It's gorgeous. And looks soooo tasty!
You are so AWESOME!
goodness gracious YUM*
where can I get the pastry??
do you mind posting the recipe??
I'm dying to give it a try!!
This will be on my table a lot this spring and summer, with all different fillings. Seasonal fruits and veggies will get a yummy update.
God, it looks perfect! Looking at the photos it seems easy but I can already imagine my version...
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