after getting everything ready for the show (closing reception April 10, 6-9pm) I decided to get to work on something I have been thinking about for a little while.
It's been years (maybe 10) since I've made any sort of pot, but something about what's going on in the world made me want to make something useful.
So, I'm going to make 1000 cups (even though I'm pretty sure that's not useful). what will I do with them? who knows.
Now that is a GOAL!
Off to a good start it looks like-
Nice idea. I wonder if you could use them for art, and then donate them?
I can't believe you made these! They're absolutely lovely! Wow...
You can sure plant a lot of flowers! :)
The Magnolia
what will you do with them? i think you might know;) keeping it a secret maybe? whatever it is, i can't wait to find out!
Interesting. I'm not sure what they'll be used for but I'm know it will be epic coming from you.
Now those are crafty!
Do you have a plan for them? Or should we make suggestions? I think it'd be awesome to leave them at people's homes with a little packet of seeds inside.
i love these!!
Just checking that's ONE THOUSAND right?! Wow~ & by hand i assume...
yeah, a thousand! A friend asked my why a thousand and I said that it was a nice, round completely ridiculous number, one hundred is too few, and 200 just sounds lame.
That is an amazing undertaking lady!
Thanks for your comment. :)
I like your cup design, I can see them as some very pretty flower pots!
Nice to 'meet' you!
I love your 1,000 cups project! Keep us posted on how this unfolds...would love to see them and what you end up doing with them!
Wow, 1000 cups! That sounds like a really incredible project. The first two are gorgeous.
Thanks for commenting on my blog! I look forward to seeing more of your work on here! Now following:)
I'm thinking wall decor. This could go places :)
1000 cups! WOW! you are a house on fire!!!
First of all congrats on your show! I just followed the link that took me to photos of your amazing work at the gallery. I am also am super excited about your new project!
these seem really special!!!they would look wonderful on display filled with all sorts of things...
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